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Our Meetings


We have moved our meetings online via ZOOM! 


Stay tuned to our social media for

details on each meeting registration.

EVERYONE (Toastmasters worldwide and guests)

is welcome to join!

Every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays

of the month at 19:30 TR TIME (GMT +3)


After the pandemic, we will resume our meetings back at Taksim Gonen Hotel in the heart of Taksim Square on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, at 7:30pm TR time.

Every Toastmasters meeting is a unique gathering. Every club has its own flavour, but all follow a similar format. This provides the meeting with structure and helps get everyone involved. Bosphorus Toastmasters meetings are from 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm. Please kindly be punctual.

Each Bosphorus Toastmasters meeting features participants acting in one of many different roles. This provides members with many public speaking opportunities in addition to planned speeches. The roles are as follows:


The Toastmaster is the host of a meeting and should:

  • Make sure the meeting starts promptly on time.

  • Provide a brief overview of Toastmasters and how meetings are conducted.

  • Create the meeting itinerary, include the duties of each functionary on the back of the agenda, and make copies for everyone.

  • Mail the itinerary to the Yahoo Group the weekend before the meeting.

  • Contact speakers and role holders to make sure they will be there.

  • Find a replacement if someone does not show up.

  • Introduce speakers and role holders.

  • Sit in the front and shake speaker’s/role holders hands when they come and go.

  • Make sure the meeting runs and ends on schedule.

  • Welcome Guests and ask them to introduce themselves.

  • Introductions and Table Topics (TT Evaluation) can be shortened or eliminated if time is running out.



The General Evaluator evaluates the overall sequence of a meeting and conducts the evaluation and feedback portion of our meetings Specific responsibilities are:

  • Take notes during the meeting regarding timing, presentations, accomplishments made.

  • Make a brief presentation of their findings.

  • Try to begin on a positive note and to end on a positive note.

  • Call and Introduce all Speech Evaluators

  • Call for a vote on Best Evaluator

  • Call and Introduce all Feedback Role Holders



The Wordmaster presents “the word of the day” when introduced by the TMOE. The Wordmaster keeps track and reports its usage.  The goal of this exercise is to teach Toastmasters new vocabulary that they can use during everyday conversation.  The Grammarian should:

  • Select the “Word of the Day”, define it for the club, and display it where everyone can see it.

  • Note if speakers and other presenters use the “Word of the Day”.

  • Present findings at the end of the meeting.



The Ah Counter keeps track and reports the use of crutch or filler words. The Ah Counter should:

  • Keep notes on how many times the speakers, evaluators, and anyone presenting something (except for guests) say “Ah”,”Em”,”So”, “and”, “you know”, etc.

  • Presents findings at the end of the meeting



The Timer keeps track of timing in a meeting and operates a warning device; either by flagging color cards or turning on color light bulbs.  The Timer should use a stopwatch to time the Speakers, Evaluators, and Table Topics Speakers, turning on lights (or flash cards) at the appropriate times as shown in the below table.  At the request of the Toastmaster or General Evaluator, the Timer reports the prepared speakers, evaluators and table topics  speakers who have qualified by meeting the minimum and maximum time requirements (Prepared Speakers have a 30 second grace period after their maximum time to qualify. Evaluators and Table Topics Speakers have a 15 second grace period).  Speakers must meet the minimum time requirement to qualify.


Timing of                               Green       Yellow       Red           Grace Period

Icebreaker Speech                4 min         5 min          6 min         +30 seconds

Prepared Speech                  5 min         6 min          7 min         +30 seconds

Advanced Speeches                       Please consult with the speaker

Table Topics Speech             1 min         2 min        2.5 min        +15 seconds

Evaluation                              2 min         3 min        3.5 min        +15 seconds



The Vote Counter collects ballots when asked by the TMOE after the Prepared Speaker, Table Topics and Evaluations sessions.  The Vote Counter should:

  • Collect Ballots and count ballots after a vote is cast.

  • When asked by the TMOE announce the Best Evaluator, Best Table Topics Speaker and Best Speaker.



The Speech Evaluator evaluates their assigned speaker. The Speech Evaluator should:

Keep notes on presenter’s speech so that they are able to summarize the speech, outline positive aspects and gently point out one or two areas where improvement is possible.  The evaluators should always strive to end their evaluations in a positive note.



The Table Topics Master prepares questions related to the theme of the evening for discussion.  The Table Topics Master should:

  • Upon being called by the TMOE lead the Table Topics Session beginning with a brief overview.

  • Give members who aren’t assigned a role the opportunity to speak during the meeting (Try to encourage members who haven’t spoken lately).

  • Challenges the club with a subject, and then randomly select a speaker who should respond with a one to two and a half minute impromptu talk.

  • Prepare a maximum of 8 theme related leading statements/questions to present to the club and then randomly chose meeting participants to answer them.

  • Ask guests in advance if they would like to participate.

  • Do not call on anyone who has a duty on the agenda unless absolutely necessary.


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  • Bosphorus Toastmaster Facebook
  • Bosphorus Toastmasters YouTube
  • Bosphorus Toastmasters Instagram
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